Help me! Scroll Bar Trouble!


OK, I'm new to webdesign so I need some help. On my index.html page and my autographhomepage.html page I'm having trouble with scrollbars(my site is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> by the way). I was looking at my site at school in their old IE browser. I noticed on those two pages that there is no vertical scroll bar. And you deffinitely need one because you can't see half the stuff on the right hand side of the page. You'll probably also notice that my html is a whole lot of random crap(mainly because I don't know much :) ) So anyway, when I resize the window size of the page in my browser, there still is no vertical scroll bar. I don't have a clue what's going on.<br />
Thanks in advance,<br />
Josh<!--content-->well I don't really see what the problem is because I got a scrollbar. if you didn't get one at your school then your school needs updating.<br />
<br />
the worse thing I seen is that mouse trail. sometimes those make things go bad.<!--content-->You saw a horizontal scroll bar? It was the orange one right? And you saw it on my index.htm or autographhomepage.htm Page?<br />
Thanks for your help,<br />
josh<!--content-->I saw a vertical scrollbar too. I can't say if it was orange or not because real browsers (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) don't support that. I suggest to tell your school to update. What are they using IE 4.0? :tsk: naughty them. I do have 2 suggestions for you site. Add:<br />
1. A doctype (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<br />
2. Rollovers for your links. something like<br />
a:hover{<br />
color:#f00;<br />
}<br />
in between the <style> and </style> tags.<br />
I hope this helps.<br />
:)<br />
<edit>Grammatical problem fixed :banana:</edit><!--content-->OK, thanks for your help. I'd like to tell them to update but I doubt they'd listen. I have roll over links on all my pages except my index.<br />
Josh<!--content-->OK, I posted before I clicked on the doctype link. What in the heck am I supposed to do on that site? I don't even have a clue what it is.<!--content-->oops I linked the wrong page, here it is. (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->Originally posted by hockyfan641 <br />
You saw a horizontal scroll bar? It was the orange one right? And you saw it on my index.htm or autographhomepage.htm Page?<br />
Thanks for your help,<br />
josh <br />
oh horizontal bar.. you said vertical<br />
<br />
take this out of the body tag<br />
<br />
style="width:100%;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:scroll"<!--content-->Ummm. OK, what does that stuff mean? I don't have a clue about any of it. What does it do?<!--content-->What does that accomplish? I did it and nothing happened.<!--content-->I still see it<!--content-->I know. I didn't upload the file. I previewed in browser and nothing was different.<!--content-->didn't do anything huh?<br />
<br />
the<br />
<br />
overflow-x:hidden<br />
<br />
is hidding the bottom scroll bar. so if you take it out then the scrollbar comes back.<br />
<br />
it has to work unless you have it someplace else.<!--content-->It worked! Thanks alot. I appreciate the help.<br />
<br />
Josh<!--content-->Well at least it worked with one of the pages. On my index.htm page it won't work. The HTML code is in grey and won't let me edit anything. Does anybody know why and how I can edit it?<!--content-->we don't know what you are using to edit it with. use notepad and take <br />
style="width:100%;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:scroll"<br />
out<br />
<br />
also it would help if you had all your table at 100% instead of 786.<br />
<br />
and then on the autographs page you have it twice<br />
<br />
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" onload="makesnake()"<br />
style="width:100%;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:scroll"<br />
onload="makesnake()"<br />
style="width:100%;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:scroll"><br />
<br />
if you don't update your pages we can't help much, we don't know what you have done.<!--content-->Sorry, I should have been more specific. I use dreamweaver to edit. I don't know much html and dreamweaver doesn't require you to know much. I can't edit it in notepad because after I did that I would be able to past the html back into dreamweaver. I've uploaded the pages with some changes that people have suggested. My autograph page is find now buy not my index.htm page.<br />
Sorry for wasting everybody's time. I've changed it now but still need help on my index.htm page.<br />
Thanks,<br />
Josh<!--content-->ok that looks better. now take index.htm and open it with notepad. take that line out and click on file | save<br />
<br />
now that will not stop you from opening it in DW. it is still a htm document<!--content-->OK, I understand now. I'll do that in a little.<!--content-->