Help me reformat my PHP Validation Code


New Member
I have designed a file upload form in PHP where it takes 3 pictures and stores it as a varchar datatype in database and move it to the destination directory.before uploading or inserting the values to the database i want to make sure thata) it is of file type image/jpegb) the three images should have a different fixed dimensions values (which i am fetching the dimension values from getimagesize(); and validating it)c) and to check if the duplicate of file name exist in the directory (which i am checking through file_exists())if any one of the conditions returns false then the script should die()I have defined the code for it but the problem with my code is, if the last condition returns false then the upper conditions will execute the code and do some operations like move_uploaded_file which i dont want to happen, please have a look at the codePlease check the last 4 if conditions as i want that to reformat.\[code\]$w_title = 685; $h_title = 50; $w_brief = 685; $h_brief = 177; $w_detail = 685; if(empty($_POST['ns_title']) || empty($_FILES["ns_pic_title"]["name"]) || empty($_FILES["ns_pic_brief"]["name"]) || empty($_FILES["ns_pic_detail"]["name"])) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" . "alert(\"Please Fill All the Required Fields\");" . "</script>"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;post-news.php\"/>"; die(); } else { $ns_title = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ns_title']))); if($_FILES["ns_pic_title"]["type"] == "image/jpeg" && $_FILES["ns_pic_brief"]["type"] == "image/jpeg" && $_FILES["ns_pic_detail"]["type"] == "image/jpeg") { $ns_pic_title_loc= $_FILES["ns_pic_title"]["tmp_name"]; $ns_pic_title_name = $_FILES["ns_pic_title"]["name"]; list($width_title, $height_title) = getimagesize($ns_pic_title_loc); $ns_pic_brief_loc = $_FILES["ns_pic_brief"]["tmp_name"]; $ns_pic_brief_name = $_FILES["ns_pic_brief"]["name"]; list($width_brief, $height_brief) = getimagesize($ns_pic_brief_loc); $ns_pic_detail_loc = $_FILES["ns_pic_detail"]["tmp_name"]; $ns_pic_detail_name = $_FILES["ns_pic_detail"]["name"]; list($width_detail, $height_detail) = getimagesize($ns_pic_detail_loc); if(file_exists($ns_target.$ns_pic_title_name)) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" . "alert(\"File Already Exists, Please Choose a Different Name for the File\");" . "</script>"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;post-news.php\"/>"; die(); } if(!$width_title == $w_title && !$height_title == $h_title) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" . "alert(\"Incorrect File Dimension for Title News, please make sure it is (685 X 50)\");" . "</script>"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;post-news.php\"/>"; die(); } else { move_uploaded_file($ns_pic_title_loc, $ns_target.$ns_pic_title_name); } if(!$width_brief == $w_brief && !$height_brief == $h_brief) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" . "alert(\"Incorrect File Dimension for Brief News, please make sure it is (685 X 177)\");" . "</script>"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;post-news.php\"/>"; die(); } else { move_uploaded_file($ns_pic_brief_loc, $ns_target.$ns_pic_brief_name); } if(!$width_detail == $w_detail) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" . "alert(\"Incorrect File Dimension for Detail News, please make sure it is (685 in width)\");" . "</script>"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;post-news.php\"/>"; die(); } else { move_uploaded_file($ns_pic_brief_loc, $ns_target.$ns_pic_brief_name); }\[/code\]how do i reformat the code so thata) it should check all the three conditionb) and if any one of it returns false then it should stop the execution at oncethank you