Help me choose a domain name? reviews/howto/blog


New Member
I'm new to this site so I'm not sure about particulars in the etiquette.

First, I think this is the right forum to get suggestions on a domain name to develop right? (as apposed to a forum only geared towards buying and selling names, ala

About my currently nameless site to be:
(Hmm... How to keep it simple) Mainly, a different spin on typical technology review sites. The problem is that I have a lot articles about non-tech products. Incorporating them would pull focus to a more general site. I also have a ton of how-to's and mod's that would probably get their own tab. Lasty, I have a bunch of general learning info about math, business, ebay, poker, and more that would need their own tab as well.

I think I'd prefer to work on one huge site with a ton of quality content rather than split into a bunch of small sites. Computers and tech are probably my most knowledgable areas, but I have too much other usefull info to leave out, and not quite enough to have their own sites.

Now I just need a fitting and sticky name :confused: