New Member
Hi there! I'm new to and trying to convert an existing app. Does anyone have a code example they can provide on how to call a stored proc with a parameter while reading and creating an output string from another stored proc? I have been successful executing and reading the first stored proc, but don't know how to call the 2nd, and 3rd, and 4th at the same time
The parameters in the other stored procs are based on the results of the 1st stored proc. Nothing like jumping right into this stuff
<BR><BR>Thanks in advance....<BR><BR>TerriDo you actually *do* anything with the results of the first proc? If not you'd better call the second proc from the first.<BR><BR>If this isn't possible, I don't understand your problem.<BR><BR>Execute first proc and store output in SomeVar<BR><BR>Execute second proc and pass SomeVar as a parameter.<BR><BR>Not sure what you don't get. Show some code of what you have right now maybe?