HELP!! Linking order form to merchant account


This is my first time posting here, I hope this is the right forum.<br />
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I can not for the life of me get my order form linked to my merchant account. I got the template for the order form from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. I managed to customize it. Now, I need it linked to my merchant account or the info emailed to me so that I can process it manually. The merchant account requires that at least the amount to be billed is passed to the merchant account. I would like the information on the form to be passed on. I am using Frontpage 2000. I am losing money fast. The tech support for the merchant account does not cover this. If you need to see what I am talking about here are the examples.<br />
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Linked to merchant account, but get an error telling me that I need to go back and choose a shipping option. All I want is for it to display to pass the information on the form to the next page.<br />
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Email form. I thought that I had it set to email me the information but no such luck. There is also this at the top of my form and I don't know what it is or how to get rid of it. [FrontPage Save Results Component]. If I could just get this information emailed to me, I could process the orders manually.<br />
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Or if you have another suggestion of how I can solve this problem it would be more than welcome.<br />
Thank you in advance<!--content-->Hello,<br />
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First off, if you're submitting billing info, you should make sure that you are using a secure form. Can I ask who your merchant biller is? They may already have solutions for this sort of thing, and they may require that the data is in a particular format. Have you touched base with them on this yet?<!--content-->Thanks for your reply Jason.<br />
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I have consulted with them (ecommerce exchange). I have a manual but it is very confusing. I don't understand all of the hidden fields and how they relate to my form. I don't have to have all the information on the form, the merchant account has a secure form for collecting the customer info and payment information. This is killing me, I know it is probably very simple but I just can't get it.<!--content-->I find that whenever I have a problem with a service like this, the only real thing I can do is to go right to the source. We can tell ya how to get a cgi to process a form and send it wherever you want with no problem, however we might wind up changing the output in some way that will make it unusable for your processing company. You should try the most direct method and ask them exactly what to do (they should be use to this question). Let them know that you are clueless withthe setup, I'm sure it's not the first time for them doing the setup. If you can;t find a phone number, try email (it works just fine for a second option).<!--content-->