Help, I've got a headache


Staff member
Dear All,<br />
I am re-doing my pages in a different area (moving from aol to angelfire), and now have a headache because....<br />
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when I look at the pages I done (only the first 5) the first page opens small, with the ad, I close the ad and make the page fit my screen (600-800). It all looks great (to me anyway) until I select another page and then it all goes small, the ad comes up, so I close the ad, make the page bigger and start over. I select the next page and so on............<br />
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Please, how can I stop the page going small every time a page is selected? is there a code I can use? have I done something wrong? Help......(I'am going to take my tablets now...)<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->First thing I would do is to find another host, those popups are terrible, thier are hosts out that dont have those...any click seems to open one up again. I would look into switching before any other problems.<!--content-->