HELP!!! IE/Netscape browser problems


Staff member
Hi,<br />
I really need some help here. I'm using ACEhtml 4 to help generate a web application. I'm using tables, CSS, java scrips, forms, etc. It looks great with Internet Explorer, but doesn't work at all in Netscape. Unfortunately Netscape is the official browser that my company supports. Can anyone help me?<br />
Thanks,<br />
Marilyn Krieger<!--content-->well without seeing any code I can suggest that you didn't close out a table tag or another tag. Netscape is real picky about this.<!--content-->The big issue has to do with my style sheets not being supported in Netscape 6.1. Could I have forgotten something?<br />
Marilyn<!--content-->NS6.1 supports most of the styles, so wothout seeing code I can't really tell ya.<!--content-->Scoutt,<br />
If I send you a page and the style sheet, would you have the bandwidth to see what's going on?<br />
Marilyn<!--content-->sure, <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><!--content-->Scoutt solved my Netscape, CSS issue. He was able to figure out that Netscape 6.1 has a problem with styles that start with p. When I deleted the two styles and their classes that started with "p" Netscape 6.1 had no problem with applying the styles. I really appreciate your solving this problem Scoutt.<br />
Thank you, thank you, thank you.<br />
Marilyn<!--content-->your welcome. :D<br />
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it wasn't only NS6 but NS4.x has the same problem. if anybody knows why on this I am all ears.<!--content-->