Help! I want to do something, but don't know where to start. Any advice?

Help!<br />
I have a section on my site where I trade live music performance CDs. I currently have a Angelfire account and therefore don't think that I could use CGI. I already have it set up so as they click the box's next to the CDs Title, it will say at the bottom how many you have selected. I want to make my site so they can select what they wish (like it's set up now), then click the order button. At that point, I want it to take them to a new page where it has what they selected in text format so they can print that out and mail it to me. Now, is that possible without CGI Scripting? Please tell me there's another way. PLEASE!<br />
LoL<br />
Thanks,<br />
T.J. Shock<!--content-->yes, you could accomplish this by javascript.......but then I am thinking....why have them MAIL you something, when they are on the net? Why not set up a simple account with someone like paypal, and have direct deposit into your account. When you recieve funds, you mail ordewr? Hows that sound?<!--content-->Yeah,<br />
You got a point, but what for the people whom can not pay online? They'd still need something printable to mail to me. You said that that is possible to do with javascripting? YEAH! lol. But how? Is there a page I can use for a refrence? Or maybe can you please help me with the scripting? How would I go about doing such a thing? Please help. <br />
Thanks,<br />
T.J. Shock<!--content-->Last I ever checked Angelfire allows CGI/PERL scripts.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->They do?!?!?<br />
WoW! I was told otherwise... but I guess you would know... your most likely more CGI/ Perl/ HTML and all other wiser then myself. GREAT! Now, if I have trouble implimenting them, would you guys be at assistence? Thanks,<br />
T.J. Shock<!--content-->I'm sure someone will give a shot at helping you if you get stuck.<br />
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Even if Angelfire no longer allows CGI scripts, there are many free webhosts that do. I use <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> on occasion. They allow FTP login and there is already a CGI bin setup in the directory. They do place advertisements in your pages but so does Angelfire.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Well thanks for all your help kevin. You surely have pointed me to the right way. Do you have any suggestions on a good CGI script I could use for what I wish to do? All I need it to do is take the titles that are next to the boxes, and take them to the next page. <br />
Example:<br />
If I selected CD1, CD4, and CD9, and then clicked order, it would take me to the order page where it would say "You have selected CD1, CD4, and CD9. Thats 3 CDs at 2 for shipping and handling on each. Please send [3 X $2] = $6 to<br />
My Address<br />
Ect.<br />
Ect."<br />
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Whats the best, if any, script that will do that? I have yet to impliment CGI scripts so I have no clue how to program one to do such a thing. I have just recently started programing/ editing my own java scripts.<br />
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Thanks again...<br />
T.J. Shock<!--content-->