Help!I cant access my site!!!

Not really a VB problem if you can access it through index.php, it's just your server isn't acknowledging index.php as a homepage, or there is another file on your server getting priority (eg, index.html)

Check your FTP to make sure there's nothing else in your root claiming to be your homepage. If there isn't, check your server settings to make sure index.php is considered a home page.
In your control panel (cpanel, plesk, whatever)

Check your ftp first though to make sure there's no other index file in your root.
FIRST! Try to login to your admincp. If you can login, go to vboptions and disable hooks, see if you site comes back.

If you can not login to admincp...

Edit config.php file

At the top of the file right after <?php line.

define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

Make sure you can login to your admincp.
If you disabled hooks and got your sytem back, you have to find which hack is broken on your system because all your addons are disabled now...