Help! how to put index.html in a directory with the correct file size?

I am trying to put my updated index.html into my directory folder.<br />
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I uploaded the new file via bulletproof ftp, am I correct that I should be able to overwrite the old index.html?<br />
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OK, But what happened was - when I upload, no overwrite box came up but its arrived in the directory anyway but the file size is 0 which was supposed to be 40kb.<br />
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And also I cannot find the old index.html file in there, which means I'd deleted it by mistake.<br />
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Please tell me the correct way to upload my new index.html with its correct file size?<br />
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And put them in the correct directory <br />
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Thanks for your time in advance<!--content-->how to upload depends on your host i suggest you look in the help files of you hosts site, the old index may have been .htm not .html<!--content-->Maybe a bug with your FTP program??<br />
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Make sure there isn't index.html and index.htm in the folder.<br />
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Try uploading it via command-line FTP.<br />
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1. Start > Run. Type in cmd (Win2k and XP) or command (any previous version of Windows).<br />
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2. You'll see something like: c:\windows\desktop> (Win 95 - Win ME) or c:\Documents and Settings\username> (Win 2k and XP)<br />
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Use the cd.. command to back out of a folder. Use cd <foldername> to move into a folder. You'll want the current working directory to be the same folder in your computer that you have the index.html file stored in.<br />
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Note on Win9x and ME: You may have to type the first 6 letters of the foldername followed by a "~1" to move into folders with names that have more than 8 characters. EX: cd docume~1 to move into a folder called "Documents and Settings." This problem does not occur if you can use cmd for the command prompt.<br />
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3. Type: ftp and hit Enter.<br />
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4. Type: open <IP address> or <domain_name> and hit enter. This is the FTP address you would put into a WYSIWYG FTP program.<br />
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5. It should prompt you for a username. Enter it. Some servers require you to type user username.<br />
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6. Enter the password when prompted. You may need to type pass password.<br />
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7. Use cd <foldername> to move into a folder. Use ls to get a listing of the contents of a folder. Move into the folder you want to upload the index.html file to.<br />
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8. Type: put index.html and hit enter.<br />
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9. Once the file has been transferred, type ls -l and hit enter (if it is a unix server) and it will give you a list of the files, their permissions and file sizes.<br />
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Once you are done, type bye to close the ftp connection and exit the ftp program. You'll be back to the DOS command prompt. Type exit to close the prompt.<!--content-->