I have 2 problems that I need help with.<BR><BR>1) How can I get the IP of people who come into my website?<BR><BR>2) How else can I serve files from a directory other than the directory or sub directory where all my webpages are stored?<BR><BR>Do help pls.hi,<BR><BR>This is ur answer for the first question..<BR>---------------------------------------<BR>Dim ClientIP As String<BR> ClientIP = Request.UserHostAddress<BR>-------------------------------------<BR>hope this may help u.<BR><BR> Regarding question no:-2, i did not get for what purpose u want to do that.<BR><BR> can u tell me the scenario, where u exactly need this?<BR><BR>regards<BR>yesu<BR>thanks for the aid with the first prob<BR><BR>ok the 2nd scenario goes like this...<BR><BR>currently i am serving some files from my web server but i was wondering if there is anyway to move the files to a non public location yet still be able to serve them?<BR><BR>i do not want unauthorised users to be able to retrieve those files. So how can i deny access to unauthorised users? currently so long as the person knows the url and the filename, they can easily retrieve the files off my web server.hi,<BR><BR>if the users are viewing your web site through their login.<BR>then,u can keep one session vaiable for the user, and each and evey page check the session is empty or it has value,<BR>this way u can protect the user from viewing the un authorized page.<BR><BR>about other ways I have no idea..<BR>regards<BR>yesu<BR><BR><BR><BR>