Help getting started with OO PHP & MySQL


New Member
I have been writing a lot of code for work in PHP/MySQL. So far it has all been procedural making use of functions for functionality occuring multiple times/places. Starting to find some of the site hard to manage - time to go OO.I want to learn about MVC with object oriented PHP & MySQL. I have some experience in Java and MVC but never anything to do with web technologies, i.e. HTML/CSS/JS etc. I don't really understand how the dynamically generated HTML fits in with the classes etc.I am after some recommndations about where I can start. Ideally some sites with great examples from the ground up. I don't really want to use a framework at this point because I find that it does too much for you. Once I understand the OO approach with MVC I'll probably use a framework to managei easier.Cheers,Evan