Help for links

Hi.<br />
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Is there any way (other then using absolute links) to link to images/files that are not in the current (or child) folders? <br />
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I have tried linking to a shortcut of an image (in a parent folder), but was unable to get that working. <IMG> tag wouldn't work, as the .lnk of the shortcut isn't an image. I couldn't get the <OBJECT>, <LINK>, and <EMBED> tags going eithor (although I am not 100% on their use).<br />
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This structure is needed to standardise the design of a school site, and help with portablity and managability. With the idea that the teachers could create their own pages from a template, and place them (and relevant shortcuts) in their folder. But the administrator would still be able to easily change format details (in style-sheets), or whatever.<br />
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Any help would be apprecited!<!--content-->You can try <img src=> <br />
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Or structure the directories so all images go in the images folder and you can code all image links as <img src=> and it should work in any same level or lower level directories.<!--content-->I'm afraid it's not that simple.<br />
Shortcuts (.lnk) files are a Windows thing. The WWW knows nothing about them, so you can't pop a shortcut into a web page.<br />
The <object> element is used to include non-html objects into the current page, say like a slider control, or a media player.<br />
The <embed> element is basically Netscape's take on the <object> tag, although IE uses it too.<br />
The <link> element allows the current document to establish links to external documents. It's main use (now) is to apply external stylesheets.<br />
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You'll have to do what Kevin suggested.<!--content-->