Help for install premium styles


New Member

I have downloaded a few premium styles and they say ' upload them to your forum directory ', i do that.
I go to admin cp > Styles and Templates > Download > upload styles > then i scroll down to the Import Style XML file, i upload it with the import from your server box. It says done, i go to the forum and none of the picture are there!.

Screenshot attached. (its not letting me but no pictures are shown. just colours.
its seems like images not are in correct path. check the images paths clicking some missing image and try to move image to that folder.
i really need a solution ive tried everything! Leesce Forum ive put them down but look, the pictures are really necessary!
sorry if its a stupid Question

Edit: i am going to change the skin to my old one so dont both with link.
Can someone just tell me the steps they took to get theirs working?!?!
Actually, your path is wrong.

You have it configured to : assault_fps/misc/skin/logo.gif

BUT it should be forum/assault_fps/misc/skin/logo.gif

according to what your site URL is...


bluescorpion said:
Actually, your path is wrong.

You have it configured to : assault_fps/misc/skin/logo.gif

BUT it should be forum/assault_fps/misc/skin/logo.gif

according to what your site URL is...



thats not the way mine is :(, e.g. with me default skin the path is images/misc/etc. not forum/images. so im going to try some more things but at the moment nothing is working.
well there should be a folder with the name of the template upload that in the images folder

in the ACP is a style manager
go to upload/download style and select the xml file of the style

if thats helping you (or not) tell me
Sorry, I didn't make those paths up, I got them from your site. Your forum is not in the root directory, it is in /forum which is where you uploaded your skin. You need to fix the path. In your vbulleting options you need to check the Forum URL in Site Name / URL / Contact Details to make sure it is correct, it should be :

Leesce Forum

A second parameter needs to be set in your file as well when you are not installed directly in the root folder.

Around line 102 you should find this line:

$config['Misc']['forumpath'] = '/your /absolute/path/to/forum'

I am guessing you have this sorted out but wonder why your site is still locked out in maintenance mode?
thanks for the help i was doing other things as i locked it, its going to be open today with its old skin i cant change it till sunday, thanks ill see on sunday.