Help! Displaying phpbb3 Recent posts from SQlite 2 Database


New Member
I need help fast, instead of using mySQL my phpbb3 forum uses SQlite 2, a normal "database.db file that was manually created from a notepad.txt file then populated by phpbb3" I need help Accessing the data within that SQlite 2 database instead of MySQL.when I run this Script I get echo: Recent Posts (located on line3)but nothing elseI'm a complete noob with PHP so Plz Help, I have been at it for 1 week now with no LuckUltimately I wanna Display the 15 most recent posts in a Adobe Flash Dynamic txt box with html support outside of Phpbb3 on my website\[code\]enter code here <?php $db = sqlite_open("Mydatabasenamehere.db", 0666, $sqliteerror); echo "Recent Posts<p />"; $recent = sqlite_query($db, "SELECT * FROM * phpbb_posts ORDER BY post_time DESC LIMIT 15"); while ($recent_row = sqlite_fetch_all($recent, SQLITE_ASSOC)) {// get data$post_id = $recent_row['post_id'];$topic_id = $recent_row['topic_id'];$forum_id = $recent_row['forum_id']; $poster_id = $recent_row['poster_id'];$post_time = $recent_row['post_time'];// get topic name$topic_name = sqlite_query($db, "SELECT topic_title FROM phpbb_topics WHERE topic_id='$topic_id'");$topic_name = sqlite_fetch_all($topic_name);$topic_name = $topic_name('topic_title');// get username $username = sqlite_query($db, "SELECT username FROM phpbb_users WHERE user_id='$poster_id'");$username = sqlite_fetch_all($username);$username = $username['username'];//var for flash//$toflash = "<b><a href='$poster_id'></a>$username</b> Posted in \"<a href='$forum_id1&t=$topic_id&p=post_id#p$post_id'>$topic_name\"</a><br />";//echo "RecPos.$toflash"; //to test first before flash integrationecho "$username Posted in $topic_name<br />"; } ?>\[/code\]