Help Displaying data in a scrolling box (Javascript)


I have the following script for my eBay auctions. What this script does is places a list of my current auctions at the bottom of my listing. What I would like to do is have this information displayed in a scrolling box. The reason for is, I have more then 100 auctions listed at one time and to have all 100 items listed at the end of an auction would take up a great deal of room. Could someone show me how to modify the script below to have the results displayed in a scrolling box? Due to eBay regulations, I can not use the iframe method.<br />
<br />
THanks!!!<br />
<br />
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><br />
<!--//<br />
// script to show eBay produced gallery for use anywhere (US Format)<br />
// works in IE, NS, Firebird, Opera<br />
// baconbuttie January 2004<br />
// change the next lines to reflect your eBay selling ID and the number of items to show<br />
var myID="ebay_user_id";var myNum=20;<br />
document.write("<scri"+"pt language='"+"JavaScript' "+"sr"+"c=\"");<br />
document.write("EKServer&popup=n&hdrcolor=FFFFCC&fs=1&endcolor=FF0000&num="+myNum+"&cid=0&sortdir");<br />
document.write("=asc&tlecolor=FFCE63&sortby=endtime&track=&srchdesc=n&width=570&siteid=0&");<br />
document.write("bdrcolor=FFCC00&numbid=y&ai=tedsaodd&prvd=0&fntcolor=000000&sort=MetaEndSort");<br />
document.write("&si="+myID+"&endtime=y&title=Current+Auctions+for+"+myID+"&img=y\"></scr"+"ipt>");<br />
//--></script><!--content-->Hmm,<br />
<br />
You would be better off posting this question in the JavaScript forum.<!--content-->