Help comprehending how the following framework fits together:


New Member
I am just getting into OOP and framework design. I have started by using the following three tutorials; is the first framework I have tried to work with and because the tutorial is not aimed at complete novices I am finding myself having to reverse-engineer the code to see how everything works. The problem is I'm stuck.First, I understand the basic concepts of the framework including the directory structure.Second, I understand what the registry and database class are for (although I don't fully understand every function within them just yet). My problem comes with the index.php, template.class.php and page.class.php files. I broadly know what each should do (although further explanation would be nice!) but I do not get how they fit together i.e. how does the index page interact with the template and page objects to actually produce the page that is displayed. I especially cannot work out in what order everything is called. The index appears to me as:
  • require registry class
  • create instance of registry (don't quite get this bit - easier way to access database?)
  • store the database and template objects
  • creates new connection from the stored database object
  • choose the skin for the page
Then, and here is where I get lost:
  • build actual page via buildFromTemplates function (which I can't get my head round)
  • cache a database query
  • assign tab (i'm completely lost as to what a tag is!)
  • set page title
  • display content
Can anyone help break this down for me? I tried Zend before this but it was far too complicated, this one is more accessible but as you can still has me stumped (although I have started to understand objects FAR more by trying). Thanks in advance.