Help! Challenge; online gif-maipulation


Hi,<br />
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see <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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I believe I found a real challange. I want to be able to change the color of an image (1 color only!) based on users input. <br />
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I thought about making an inverse image and use the background of a cell to do this, but that brings another problem, I can no longer see the background image.<br />
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I made a page with an example and a clear description of the issue. See <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->If it can't be done, using html/ javascript, what should be used to get it done? I have no idea so I also have no idea on where to post the issue, in a java-forum, css-forum, etc.. <br />
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Can you help me solve this issue?<!--content-->If it's a matter of doing it short and sweet, I agree - ther is no way.<br />
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If it's a matter of simply having something like that no matter what's the cost, then there is a lengthy an memory-consuming way of getting a bunch of gifs in different colors, creating a bunch of copy pages with a different gif each, and have a jump_menu that will reload the page with a gif of a chosen color in it.<!--content-->There at least theoretically is kind of a real crazy way to do what you want using only DHTML.<br />
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You could eg make a very large table in which each <td> was 1px by 1px large.<br />
You could then use CSS to add background colors to these individual 1x1 pixel pixels, effectivly creating a bitmapped picture.<br />
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Changing the background color on the pixels are then pretty straight forward DHTML.<br />
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However the code will be pretty large and messy, and I would make sure I didn't have a better option available to me before even trying this.<!--content-->