HELP .CDF active desktop


New Member
made a web page and im trying to make it in to a active desktop
i found this on google i been trying to get it to work but it doesnt
can some one PLZ HELP
the page i want on the active desktop is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

<?XML version="1.0"?>
<Item HREF="">

<Title>FlamingoLingo Desktop Item</Title> <!-- Required -->

<Usage VALUE="DesktopComponent"> <!-- Required -->
<OpenAs VALUE="HTML"/> <!-- "HTML" (default) or "Image" -->
<Width VALUE="200" /> <!-- Width in pixels -->
<Height VALUE="80" /> <!-- Height in pixels -->
<CanResize VALUE="No"/> <!-- Yes (default) or No -->

</Item> <!-- Other Item tags may go here. IE4 won't display them
anywhere, but -->
<!-- will use them for site crawling and place them in the user's
cache. -->

<Item HREF="
