Our asp.net application calls a dll (a vb.net) that activates a vb6 activeX component. It works fine in our Win2000 server development enviroment. But encounters "Cannot create ActiveX Component" in the production (also Win2000 server).<BR><BR>In a asp.net page, to call the vb6 activeX component, the param<BR>aspcompat="true" is added as in below.<BR><%@ Page Language="VB" trace="true" debug="true" aspcompat="true" %><BR><BR>Is this required in the dll source file. And if yes, where is the place to include & what is the value to include?<BR><BR>Appreciate for any help,<BR>BenBest guess is that the VB6 activeX component isn't registered, or registered incorrectly. Be sure the dll is registered on the production machine. You might even have more than one version registered. Always unregister before registering an activeX com.<BR><BR>I've even had to go into the registry and clean out all the old references before registering the new version.