HELP! autoresponder/vacation reply emails


HELP! I'm sure this is the wrong place to put this post - but I need help & don't know where to go!
I have a client that wants to use vacation reply mail & my techie can't figure out why it isn't working (we've never set this up before).
We host our stuff on Unix. Any help would be appreciated!
And to add to the urgency - we have to set it up for this weekend - the client is leaving on saturday - and so are we so we won't be here in case it doesn't work!
<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --> shelly! do you have any code to post or what type of an e-mail client is on the server?

chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:the client is not the issue - it's the server we are unable to get to work.
is there someplace else i should be posting this?Originally posted by shellyblake
the client is not the issue - it's the server we are unable to get to work.
is there someplace else i should be posting this?

server side (thread has been moved) and i need to know what mailing program you are using.
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:thanks anyway chris - we decided to give up for now (my techie Download ed new stuff & still couldn't get it to work)
my email client is outlook - no idea what my client uses - but is that what you were looking for or is this more of a unix question? i have no idea what my techie is using on the unix box.