Help!!!! 1 not posting to another page

I am using 1 and I have read I cannot easily post a form to another page. I need to post a form to another page which I do not know/care what scripting language it is developed in.

Ok, I might not be making sense. Here it goes:

1. I need to submit a form (I develop in 1) to someone else's(I'll call him Person B) page (Person B develops in php). But how do I send an form to another page which some one can retrieve the form values as if there sent from a plain html page.

2. After sending the form to B's page, he sends me another form. I know the field names in his form. B used POST to send his form to me. How do I retrieve B's form values in my In php I know I would use myValue = $_POST["firstname"]. Basically how do I retreive form values sent by POST. If it was sent using GET think Request.QueryString["firstname"] would do the trick.

Please help.Hi,

while provides a rich and powerful developer experience, it doesn't support post method over http. The link shows all the avaiable state management:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

I understand you would like to exchange information between the 2 application (.Net and php), you may need to consider using other tricks to go around that.

The 2 obvious example I have off my head would be a)using XML to exchange data or b)using database engine.

Good luck