Hi...I have a javascript dilemma I can't seem to solve...
maybe someone here can advise me
first....if you click on this link <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.geocities.com/geomancermetal/javascript2.html">http://www.geocities.com/geomancermetal ... ript2.html</a><!-- m -->
take a look at it.....
hopefully, you can see that when you roll your mouse over the little globes, they turn green....okay, ive gotten that far...
but i wanted to dispaly a text description of each globe link above between the "geomancer" logo and the globes...in the black space in the center of the table....
well, ive tried very hard for about 6 hours now....and i can't do it....I tried combining 2 different javascript codes, but it didn't work.....
can anyone help me??
or maybe you might even say that doing this much just for a navagational frame is too much javascript and will be slow-loading??
thanks so much!!
maybe someone here can advise me
first....if you click on this link <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.geocities.com/geomancermetal/javascript2.html">http://www.geocities.com/geomancermetal ... ript2.html</a><!-- m -->
take a look at it.....
hopefully, you can see that when you roll your mouse over the little globes, they turn green....okay, ive gotten that far...
but i wanted to dispaly a text description of each globe link above between the "geomancer" logo and the globes...in the black space in the center of the table....
well, ive tried very hard for about 6 hours now....and i can't do it....I tried combining 2 different javascript codes, but it didn't work.....
can anyone help me??
or maybe you might even say that doing this much just for a navagational frame is too much javascript and will be slow-loading??
thanks so much!!