HELP !!! Anti-bookmarking


This is a follow up to my earlier question on Anti-bookmarking.<br />
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Thanks for your reply. I did try your suggestion. However, please read below and see if this makes sense. <br />
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Many of the scripts I've found will work if you check for a Login page. What I need is to be able to verify that the user has come from any one of the pages in the site but "NOT INVOLVING" a check for ONLY a "LOGIN PAGE." <br />
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For Example: Let's say that I login at page one; and page two checks for page one and grants me access. From page two, I then go to page three or four or seven or nine, whatever. <br />
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Since these scripts only check for page one, using the same script on the subsequent pages will cause any attempt to access pages 3-9 to fail because I came from page 2 and not page 1. <br />
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I want for there to be only one way in to page 2, but thereafter, for the user to have free reign to whatever is in the site. I already have the first part, I just need a way to block access on all subsequent pages to someone who has not come from "any other page in the site" in any order. <br />
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It can't be a sequential check either, it has to be, MAYBE ?, a root folder check of some kind. I really am stuck. PLEASE HELP!!! THANKS!!! <br />
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Steven Marks <br />
Instructional Design Specialist <br />
American General / AGRS <br />
713.831.8856 <br />
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