

New Member
How do I add a banner Thanks
I have a image url or do i have to save it or upload it thanks for whoever helps
Please tell With How to sorry Im new..still learning
It depends on the style you used, you can have an image url or you can upload it in your site, generally it is changed through here...

Title Image This is the image located in the 'header' template, used as the main logo for your forum.

You can find it in styles and templates, style manager, all style options in your ACP. will be gud if u replace logo.gif or header.gif in style with your customized one before uploading style...
Use the built in ad location template and add your banner code there. If you have a few banners that you want to rotate, you can find a few of the hacks that do the rotation on vbteam just do a search for rotating banners. Both of these methods are a lot easier than trying to figure out where in the code you need to add your banner codes and easier to maintain and change too.