HELP! about tables


does any one know how to make a table inside of a table. I knew how to do it but I forgot. Can some one please ehlp me! Thanks<!--content-->i now have two demons in my head, fighting for control.... it's a struggle of biblical proportions....<br />
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Yes you can do it - in your <td> of the first table you just put a new table command <table> and bobs your uncle.<br />
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HOWEVER...<br />
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it's really bad practice, and regardless of the compatibility issues (which should really take precedence) it's a pain in the arse way to code since it gets so confusing. Learn how to use CSS's (as I did - for I too was once lost, but now have been found) and they'll change the way you work - they'll make your site much easier to code, and they'll make it much more compatible with browsers and text readers at the same time. What could be better!<br />
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Search this forum for things like "CSS replace tables", "CSS layout" etc. They'll be full of helpful advice. Alternatively, head to the CSS thread where there are loads of helpful experts who will show you the light - you can post a new one if you're too lazy to search, but it has all been said before and so you'll get an answer much quicker than if you wait for people to post new ones.<br />
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Then you can join us on the light side... (well, I'm trying to get to the light - it's still a little greyer in patches, but that's progress for you :))<!--content-->