Hello, there!!! :)


New Member
Hi! I'm a web developer and I'm just starting to learn asp.net and it features. In this way, I have a few questions and hope you all can help me...<BR><BR>* Where should I find a good .net editor; I mean one that supports C#, JScript and vb.net;<BR><BR>* Is there a good and free web hosting that supports .net? (Please, don't mention Brinkster ;)<BR><BR>* Is there a complete tutorial in .doc or .pdf format anywhere?<BR><BR>Thanx! I hope, as soon as get the needed knowledge, we can exchange learning... :t> Where should I find a good .net editor; I mean one that supports C#, JScript and vb.net;<BR><BR>Notepad?<BR><BR><BR><BR>> Is there a good and free web hosting that supports .net? (Please, don't mention Brinkster ;)<BR><BR>Errr........ Ummmmm...... Brinkster??<BR><BR><BR><BR>> Is there a complete tutorial in .doc or .pdf format anywhere?<BR><BR>Pass, but while I'm here, I should mention some of my favourite links :)<BR><BR> o http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpref/html/cpref_start.asp<BR><BR> o http://www.gotdotnet.com<BR><BR> o http://www.ibuyspy.com> Where should I find a good .net editor; I mean one that supports C#, JScript and vb.net<BR><BR>Microsoft's Visual Studio .NET is the best choice, IMO, but it's a bit expensive. I am currently using Visual InterDev 6.0 - it doesn't have Intellisense or color coding for C#/VB.NET, but it's better than Notepad.<BR><BR>> Is there a good and free web hosting that supports .net? (Please, don't mention Brinkster ;)<BR><BR>Don't know of any BUT Brinkster. :-)<BR><BR>> Is there a complete tutorial in .doc or .pdf format anywhere<BR><BR>Check out some of the free sample chapters on 4GuysFromRolla.com, which you can print out. (Also some are in PDF format)<BR>http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/chapters/<BR><BR>Happy Programming!Funny... very funny!!! :)))<BR><BR>Thanx, anyway!!!<BR><BR>:)Thanx at all!!!<BR><BR>:)