Hello, help newbie with Java


Staff member
OK, I have this project to turn in Tuesday morning:

Write an HTML file that will have the Javascript to do the follwing

[1]. Loop until -99 is entered

[2]. Display a Menu of the following choices

1. Convert Celsius temperature into Fahrenheit
2. Convert Fahrenheit temperature into Celsius
3. Compute an area of a circle
4. Compute Circumference of a circle
5. Compute area of a triangle
6. Display a string in reverse
7. Display a diamond with the dimension and a character entered by the user.
8. Continue (anything but -99) or Exit (-99)

All of these things we need are to be "found" on the internet. I have 1-5 but I just don't understand the loop -99, the diamond thing, and the reverse string. Any help?