Hell it's me again , help me!


New Member
Hi it's me again . well on my web site i would like to have a list of monsters this time from Final fantasy 8 . how can i make a combo box (a list that appears wenn you press the arrow the right of a text box , it's a text box that has an arrow to the right and when you press it a list appears) A list of monsters is on
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://ffguides.telefragged.com/ff8/enemy/">http://ffguides.telefragged.com/ff8/enemy/</a><!-- m -->
i would like to do something like that .
1.Combo list
2.Selecting something from the combo list makes text apear in many text boxes (one for one thing like mg at low level , medium level and high level , card you get)
3.Check this <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://ffguides.telefragged.com/ff8/cards/">http://ffguides.telefragged.com/ff8/cards/</a><!-- m -->
dowload 3 pictures and use them (Also after selecting a monster from the list a picture apears in a frame)
For the begginig make a list with 3 monsters . wenn its all done tell me and i will (if it is going to be good) finish it myself . The one that makes this script gets a place at the special thanks section so ...
Bye bye