Height of a <table> within a <table>


New Member
I am trying to put a table inside of a table and have it span 100% of the height of the whole thing, if that makes sense. \[code\]<table width="800" border="2"><tr> <td width="66%"> box 1 </td> <td width="10" rowspan="2" /> <td rowspan="2" height="100%" valign="top"> <table width="100%" height="100%" bgcolor="yellow"> <tr> <td> box 2 </td> </tr> </table> </td></tr><tr> <td> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> box 3 <br /> </td></tr> </table>\[/code\]Basically, i want that "yellow" table to go from the top to bottom of the parent table. I can't set it to a fixed height, because heights of "Box 1" and "Box 3" are dynamic based on whatever is in them. Is this possible?