
How do I make the minimum height of a table 100% of the page height. I tried height="100%" but it isn't standard so it works on IE but not on netscape (at least not on version 7.02).<!--content-->I had a feeling I might have to do something like that but I'm not sure how, can you fill me in please?<!--content-->If you need the table height to be 100%, its sounds like you are using a table for the layout of the page. This is generally not a good idea, you should use a DIV or SPAN instead.<!--content-->I can't do that, it's not just for layout otherwise I would have wholeheartedly crossed over to css.<br />
I have a red background color on my page and all of my content centered within 620 px's in the middle of the page as a blue stripe.<!--content-->Yes, you are using TABLEs for layout.<!--content-->Originally posted by lavalamp <br />
I have a red background color on my page...Which you may want to think about switching...It is very hard on the eyes...<!--content-->I think in the table tag, you could add<br />
style="height:100%"<!--content-->Basically tables cannot possess 100% height and fill the canvas according to the Technical Recommendations, although there are script or hack methods.<br />
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Also according to the "Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2 revision 1" Working Draft, which few people actually know about : <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/">http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/</a><!-- m --> it's debatable whether the table column can have actually have % height set via CSS.<!--content-->Well thanks for all of you're effort but I've now decided to switch over to CSS (now that I know a little bit more about it), so instead I've found some new bugs, like I can't centre a div tag, oh joy.<!--content-->If your <div> tag has inline content than you can define the css for the <div> tag as "text-align:center;" If it has block level content within it, use "margin:0 auto;"<!--content-->Thank-you so much that works fine but, in "margin:0 auto;" is the 0 really neccesary?<!--content-->Well try it out. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. :D<!--content-->Well I've only tried it witout on ie 6 so far but that does seem to accept less than perfect code while others sometimes don't, so I really don't know.<br />
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By the way, can you get on to the validator in your links in your sig, because I can't.<!--content-->I used it yesterday but the validator seems to be down right now.<!--content-->Does anyone know of any other validators in case something like this happens again?<!--content-->Nope, W3C is really THE official validator. It should be back really soon.<!--content-->http://www.mirror.ac.uk/services/validator/<!--content-->