Heavy Sigh. I need help....


Staff member
What else is new, huh...I've been trying not to bother you all in here and for 2 days now I've been fighting with a couple pages and I can't find any help - or if I am finding it, I'm not getting it. <br />
Here's the problem:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.justjeni.com/faithweb.html">http://www.justjeni.com/faithweb.html</a><!-- m --><br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.justjeni.com/practice.html">http://www.justjeni.com/practice.html</a><!-- m --><br />
On the practice page is a table. I have two problems. First, I can't figure out why the right side has more space on the inside of the table, although that bugs me, that's not the main problem I'm having. What I'm trying to do is put that table inside the first page where those things are all listed. I thought that might look a little nicer. No matter what I try, the left side stays put, but everything else goes underneath it instead of where it's supposed to be..am I making any sense? I'll keep trying to check out the tutorials - is this nesting tables? I have something on that but either I'm just not getting it or I'm not reading up on the right thing..can anyone help steer me in the right direction at least? I really want to learn this so bad.<br />
Thanks in advance...won't blame anyone if they won't want to mess with this...<br />
Just sign me blondie...crying blondie that is! :(<br />
<br />
I just remembered - I'm really trying to get that table under the cybergrace voting picture - if that helps at all. Thought that might be important.<!--content-->Your table looks lopsided because of some bad code. Here is the table code corrected...<br />
<br />
<TABLE border=4 cellPadding=10 cellSpacing=10 width=400 align=center><br />
<TR><br />
<TD align=middle colSpan=2><B><FONT color=#800080>Just Jeni's Christian <br />
Links</td><br />
</tr> <br />
<TR><br />
<TD align=middle><FONT color=#800080><B>Christian News</td> <br />
<TD align=middle><FONT color=#800080><B>Christian Entertainment</td> <br />
</tr><br />
<TR><br />
<TD align=middle><FONT color=#800080><B>Humor and Fun!</td> <br />
<TD align=middle><FONT color=#800080><B>Submit Prayer Request</td><br />
</tr><br />
<TR><br />
<TD align=middle><FONT color=#800080><B>Twice Daily Devotionals</td> <br />
<TD align=middle><FONT color=#800080><B>Take a Bible Quiz! </TD><br />
</tr><br />
<TR><br />
<TD align=middle colSpan=2><FONT color=#800080><B>Search the Bible in a <br />
different language</TD><br />
</tr><br />
<TR><br />
<TD align=middle colSpan=2><FONT color=#800080><B>Get Free Christian <br />
E-mail Address!<br />
</TD></TR></TABLE><br />
<br />
<br />
It should be a simple case of copying the table code into the correct position in the HTML code of the other page. Your code is hard to read because it is kinda jumbled up, but it looks like it shouldn't be too hard to find the correct position to place the code. Be persistent and you will get it, if not let us know and someone will tell you exactly where to place it.<br />
<br />
Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Thanks Kevin - I'll see what I can do tomorrow. I'm so tired now I can't think anymore, but will copy this and play with it some more. I am just learning tables so I'm not surprised the code is jumbled up. Parts of tables seem so simple, but the lining up and such I get lost on - don't know why it won't click! I'm beginning to feel like a total idiot here.<br />
I really appreicate your helping, Kevin.<!--content-->Hi Jeni,<br />
<br />
No need for self-despair. Tables confuse many an otherwise capable person. <br />
<br />
Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->I'm glad to hear that! Was thinking there was something wrong with me! :eek:<!--content-->Actually, once you get tables, they become really quite easy (most of the time :)).<!--content-->Thank you, John - I sure hope so. I know at one time plain simple HTML looked like a foreign language to me - now I've got that down and it's very easy - hoping that will happen here. And darn it all, I didn't have any time to work with it today and try the code Kevin gave me.. but for sure tomorrow. <br />
I may be back once more for this...sigh<!--content-->Thanks Kevin - the code is perfect - as I knew it would be...:)<br />
<br />
Now, please, would you be so kind as to tell me, was it the fact that I forgot to close several of the TD and TR tags that gave me all the grief, or is there something else I was doing wrong? Because now, after you fixed up my mess, it worked find where ever I put it and I'm so excited! (God, I need a life..lol).<!--content-->(I'm so happy I took the angel avatar..)<br />
<br />
Okay, now I'm wondering if any of you agree with me that this looks a lot better this way? Plus, I have all the links opening in a new window - thought that was sort of neat...opinions anyone?<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.justjeni.com/faithweb.html">http://www.justjeni.com/faithweb.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->I first learned tables years ago now, but for some reason they still give me problems! :(<br />
<br />
But your page does look better now, and it is also a very good idea to have links to other sites opening in new windows, as that way less visitors completely 'leave' your site.<!--content-->Thanks Dave - it really is good to know it isn't just me...<br />
<br />
Could my not having all the tags in place as I should have been the fault of the problem I was running in to? I'm don't mean to be a pest, I'm just trying so hard to get these tables down - they can be fun when you know what you're doing! At least I think so, as I obviously am still not sure of what I'd doing..<br />
<br />
oh, shut-up Jeni (See what happens to aging computer geeks - we start to talk to ourselves and it gets worse - we talk to our computers, too! I even named mine! I'm a lost cause...:D)<!--content-->HI Jeni,<br />
<br />
I didn't keep a copy of your code but if I remember correctly there was an errant TR tag in there some where. <br />
<br />
It is not really necessary to close <TR> and <TD> tags before starting another <TR> or <TD> but it is still a good idea to do so, especially when you are learning tables.<br />
<br />
I'm going to qualify my opinion about opening new browser windows. If a link takes the visitor completely out of your website, and there is no link back to your website on the other webpage/website, then opening a new browser window is OK. Otherwise do not open a new window. Too many open windows can be confusing.<br />
<br />
Actually the code I provided you is not perfect, the attribute <TD align=middle> is not correct, it should be <TD align=center>.<br />
<br />
Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Hi Kevin,<br />
I did leave the "center" cuz that is how I had it and that didn't need to be changed. What I did find was I hadn't closed several <td> and <tr> tags and I was wondering if that's why it messed up my page so much. I was getting that new table I created underneath the left menu, only in the middle of the page - looked horrid!<br />
I'm just trying to learn this - really want to get a handle on it, you know<br />
Thanks a lot for all your help and for your thoughts!<br />
Happy Easter.<!--content-->