Hear Ye Hear Ye - No HOME XP


New Member
I am only posting this to spare some people a lot of agony.<BR><BR>I am running in to more and more people including myself (cringe) who did not pay enough attention to the system requirements before buying a new computer or upgraded to XP.<BR><BR>DO NOT BUY XP HOME EDITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<BR>XP Home Edition does not have IIS 5.1 built in to it and therefore will not run ASP.NET applications locally. If you have Home Edition and are having this problem it will cost you 199.00 to Upgrade. XP Home Edition also will not support PWS. More information and some not so great work-arounds here if you are interested <BR>http://www.tconsult.com/aspnet/localhost.aspx<BR><BR>here is my experience:<BR>Never buy latest OS which is produced by MS, until it released "Service Pack 2" or higher.<BR>at present windows 2000 professional is ok(after sp2 an a lot of small pack installed).http://www.aspfaqs.com/aspfaqs/ShowFAQ.asp?FAQID=180