Healthy diet for a Vegetarian?

How can I get all of my proteins, vitamins, ect. that I would get in meat?<br />
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Oh, and just to save some people typing time, I don't eat meat because it seems gross to eat flesh. I suggest you read this before you judge<br />
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Techinically a person who eats no meat or dead animal products. Some choose so for ethical reasons while others may simply be grossed out by the prospect of eating flesh. Despite claims to the contrary, most vegetarians are not elitist or prejudiced. Another false argument also includes that eating only plant matter kills more rodents, etc which it doesn't. In order to eat beef for instance, it takes far more energy and resources to grow food for them (as opposed to eating it directly) and then killing the cows on top of it. There've been many proposals for third world countries to focus on farming as opposed to ranching because, if done properly, it takes far less resources and land space. Another common argument is that it "destroys your body" which is blatantly false. It's actually very easy to get sufficient amounts of protein as well as other nutritional necesseties. While in the past it may have been necessary to eat animals to get by, many argue that it no longer is. Our canines are a "left over" so to speak of our evolution in the past.<br />
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Despite all this, and despite that most vegetarians are non-judgmental and aren't affiliated with PETA in anyway, many get a good dose of humor out of bashing them. Presumably because the concept of not eating meat challenges their manhood and they need to defend their metaphorical dick size.<br />
I've been a vegetarian for years, since I was 16. The rest of my family has always eaten meat but I (like most others) don't hold it against them. But you can't convince the morons of that.<br />
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*at dinner with a group of people*<br />
Person A Yeah, I'll have a vegetarian burrito please.<br />
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Person B OH GOD. Oh what, are you a VEGETARIAN? Huh? You think you're too good for us?<br />
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Person A Uhhh, no.<br />
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Person B Yeah, I can see it in your eyes! You're not gonna stop the rest of us I hope you know!<br />
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Person A You knowwww.... I really didn't plan on it. Eat what you want; it's your choice.<br />
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Person B I told you you can't stop us! GOD, what is it with you people?! I'll bet you're a FASCIST too aren't ya? And a faggot. GOD, you make me sick. I bet you just can't STAND the thought of me eating a steak, can you? Huh? HUH?<br />
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Person A Wow, you're an idiot. <br />
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btw, i dont mean a diet, like where i watch my carbs or whatever, I mean what kinds of things should I eat to stay healthy?<br />
You need protein! so try eating eggs for breakfast(if you're not a vegan) and try soy products like tofu, edamame beans(delicious with sea-salt), etc. There are vitamin and protein supplements at your local health food store, though getting protein from food is probably better. Vegetarianism is alo a very healthy way of life. Meat is mainly only good for protein. It can be bad for you because of all the fat and toxxins. Try buying a veggie cookbook for protein-packed to your doctor if you have any questions.
I would suggest getting one of those vegetarianism for dummies books. They talk about getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals if you do not eat meat. Protein, vitamin B2, vitamin D, zinc, and iron. You should talk to your doctor to find out how much you need of each.
Just wanted to say that I totally agree with the "not all vegetarians are angry people" thing. I'm vegetarian b/c I don't like eating meat; it's not like I stand outside restaurants and throw paint on people's fur coats.

There's a great website ( with a bunch of vegan recipes that I love. The woman who runs the website wrote a cookbook VEGAN WITH A VENGEANCE and it's great, too.

Don't worry, I've met lots of people who are Person B. You aren't the only one. Haha.