Headway 2.0.9 Now Available!


New Member

We continue to rock the continuous improvements in Headway. 2.0.9 is now available for your activating pleasure. When you login to your blog you should see the “nag” bar at the top urging you to upgrade. Click on the upgrade link to upgrade automatically. Your custom CSS and other custom info will copy automatically into the new version of Headway.

Here are the changes in Headway 2.0.9:

Bug Fixes

* SEO title, description, and keyword issues with linking resolved
* Column resizing issues fixed
* Leaf template issues addessed
* Quirks with leaf heights have been solved
* i18n issues have been addressed


* Many, many, many visual editor optimizations. The visual editor is now faster and more solid than ever. Absolutely no plugins should cause conflicts with it.
* The visual editor title will now inform you when it’s loading and publishing
* If you’re not logged in and try to access the visual editor, you will be redirected to the login screen and after a successful login, you will be redirected back to the visual editor.
* A new style named Blue and Red has been added
* WPML compatibility
* Page slug added to body class
* Edit: Swedish translation kindly provided by Tomas Lindhoff

