header(Refresh makes page blank…but only on one network?


New Member
Given the following code (and only this code):\[code\]<?php if (headers_sent()) { die('cannot send location header (anymore)');}else { header("Refresh: 0; url=http://www.google.com"); //This does not work //header("Location: http://www.google.com"); //This does work die();}?>\[/code\]Does anyone have any thoughts/suggestions why this will not work on a particular network?The above codes directs to Google on 3 of the 4 networks I have tested (home, my work, a friend's home network).However, when I load this page on my client's network, he only gets a blank page.The commented code above is my workaround...but I would really love to know why Refresh would not work on this one particular network.