header integration


New Member
So i have basic knowledge on how to do this... But not enough to actually do it correctly. If anyone has a tutorial (believe me i've searched) please inform me.

So this is what i wanna do.

Add this dynamic navbar into my Vbulletin forums

Here are my forums, FarCryCreations.Net » Forums

If anyone needs any files i will put them up here, just lemte know.
Thank you all for reading.

(i do have basic php and html knowledge, so its not like talking to a complete noob)
th2mods said:
So i have basic knowledge on how to do this... But not enough to actually do it correctly. If anyone has a tutorial (believe me i've searched) please inform me.

So this is what i wanna do.

Add this dynamic navbar into my Vbulletin forums

Here are my forums, FarCryCreations.Net » Forums

If anyone needs any files i will put them up here, just lemte know.
Thank you all for reading.

(i do have basic php and html knowledge, so its not like talking to a complete noob)
Check the source code, and if you really have some php and html knowledge, you can do it ;)