Header/Image/Navbar problems


<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://chris.paing.com/uccanlonconf.php">http://chris.paing.com/uccanlonconf.php</a><!-- m -->

1) The page doesn't validate because I've put the headings <h1> and <h4> inside the <span>. I've styled the headings as inline but apparently thats not good enough. Is there a better way of achieving this efffect with the line underneath?

2) It would be better if the image could scale to fit the size of the 'headerB' div. How could I accomplish this scaling? Do I need to use em's somehow?

3) In general, is there a better way to achieve the layout?

Thanks for any help!

Update: I edited this post later in the day after solving some clearing issues in Internet Explorer.<h1>London Conference<span>The United Church of Canada</span></h1>

Style the h1 with the border, the h1 span as the different text style.Thanks, that did the trick.