having trouble keeping my tables in line


i have a problem with my tables (as well as some images) scooting themselves to the center of the page when the page is made smaller than full screen IE.<br />
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is there a way to fix the tables and images so that they will stay where they are supposed to, even when the screen is too small to fit everything at once?<br />
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thanks.<!--content-->Do you have a URL? I tried to look at your website but I got "Page cannot be displayed".<!--content-->i figured it out by myself anyhow, but thanks for your intent dude.<br />
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the problem was that i was aligning the tables on the left as 'align="left"' and the tables on the right as 'align="right"' as well as aligning their absolute positions to their respective sides so when the page was made smaller, the tables on the right did what they were told to do:<br />
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go 20 px from the top and 5 px from the right!<br />
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man i feel stupid!<br />
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the solution actually came to me when i was sitting in the food court at the mall. my friend woody said:<br />
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"hey, does that guy have a peg leg? oh wait nevermind, it's just his daughter."<br />
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needless to say he was blazed at the time so i got to thinking about the peg leg and i was like:<br />
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"oh crap! i figured it out!"<br />
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weird huh?<br />
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i swear that's how it happened. well enough story, my problem is solved.<br />
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mojo<br />
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btw, my site loads, you just have to type the actual url in your browser window.<!--content-->Glad you found the answer to your problem! As for your website, it works fine when opening it from the link in your signature but you've got the address wrong in your profile so when you hit the 'website' button at the bottom of your posts, it doesn't work.<br />
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Not important but I thought I'd point it out! ;)<!--content-->