having SERIOUS trouble when transforming using XSL


New Member
i everyone !
I am so sorry to be so 'general' about my query but I have a piece of work due in for college next week on XML.
I am a newcomer to it and the assignment 'seems' pretty basic.
My problem is when i go to trasform my files using XSL, I am getting only tthe first few lines ?
I have pored over every single line for almost 2 weeks now and cannot find the problem.
I have even handtyped out everything again and double checked, and there is a LOT of text.
I was hoping someone here could please, please help me.
I cannot post the files here as they are much too big.

Also, I am not asking anyone to do the work for me, as it's done believe me. I simply would apprreciate if someone could just have a quick look over my files for me, as i cannot see anything wrong. I have a feeling it's something really small thats affecting this, and I am only starting out and am having real trouble locating it.

If anyone could help it would be much appreciated.
drop me a line on treetrio at hotmail
