having problem to try php(novice)


hi guys,
just decided to learn php
Download ed the pack and installed them on my both computers.
the test script <?php phpinfo();?> shows me that it;s successfull.
But when I run my other php scripts on any of my PCs (Apache2.0 and php or on laptop IIS5 and PHP) it gives me an error.
Example of sample code:
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="textarea.php">
What are your favorite web sites?
<TEXTAREA NAME="WebSites" COLS="50" ROWS="5">

it leads to textarea.php script:
Your favorite web sites are:
echo $WebSites;

and opens in empty page.
Any suggestions?

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://migmarket.comtry">http://migmarket.comtry</a><!-- m --> doing echo $_POST["WebSites"];be sure to run them from Apache or Win IIS or whatever server you're running with it. (yeah, it has to be executed on a server.)

your URL to test the pages should be
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://localhost/path/to/file.phpyes">http://localhost/path/to/file.phpyes</a><!-- m -->, this is working echo $_POST["WebSites"];
About localhost/path/file.php
I am still using it, but this is not a solutioni had a similar problem at first but i turned on registered Global in the php.ini file
and they worked.it is not recommened to turn on register globals. leave them OFF