having a page not indexed or receive PR


New Member
If I have a page that I don't want to be indexed or receive PR do I only need to place a robots text on that page. Or do I also need to do something to my internal pages that link to it...like use a java script link or something.There are 2 ways of doing it.(1)place this in the head of your page.<META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX,FOLLOW">(2)use a robot txtthe robot text file is placed herehttp://www.yoursite.com/robots.txtThis is generally used for blocking foldersplace this in the text fileUser-agent: *Disallow:/private/this will disallow the search engine from indexinghttp://www.yoursite.com/private/http://www.yoursite.com/private/page2.htmhttp://www.yoursite.com/private/page3.htmetcand thats how you do it.Robots.txt is thr best way out....You dont need to do anything else. try doing a search in ozzu if you need more info.try using these 2 words in yr search "no", "index"gd luck!