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Hi, I am trying to create a Datalayer class which have properties and methods to connect to database, execute SQL, execute Store Procedures, disconnect database connection, return dataset, return sqlreader ......<BR><BR>The reason I want this class so that I dun have to rewrite the same codes every time when I make a SQL or SP query, all I have to do is passing values to the properties and call the method.<BR><BR>But I am having trouble creating a generic Execute Store Procedure method, so I am wondering if anyone out there is kind enough to give me his/her DataLayer class. <BR><BR>Thanks<BR>Matthewhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/code/default.asp?URL=/code/sample.asp?url=/MSDN-FILES/026/002/074/msdncompositedoc.xmlThanks, however it's in C, I am looking for a similar Datalayer Class which is in VB.<BR><BR>Thanks anyway.<BR>MatthewRight OK - fair enough. I've just switched from VB.net to c# simply because there are just infinitely more resources availiable to c# developers (and you almost learn Java fro free)You are right, I am surprise to have found that there are a lot of c# resources, I would have thought more people would be using VB.net compare to c# since VB has been very popular. Would you know what are their main differences ? What c# can do and VB.net cannot do ?