Have I offended someone?

Have I offended someone?<br />
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Surely someone out there must know the answer to my earlier "Multiple Frameset Quirk?" query - repeated again below.<br />
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Cheers, Batch<br />
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I have designed a large site that uses multiple framesets (one frameset for each major area of the site) and have discovered an odd quirk. <br />
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Where a frameset is loaded when the last frameset to be loaded was the same frameset (e.g. frameset_A followed by various pages loaded in a frame in frameset_A followed by frameset_A again), all the intervening history (of the pages referenced through the frameset during the first load) is lost. Whereas if a different frameset is loaded in between (e.g. frameset_A, various pages in frameset_A, frameset_B, frameset_A) then the detailed history of pages referenced is not lost. <br />
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I have tried this in both IE4.01 & IE5.5 with the same effects. <br />
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Is this a known problem? Was it a "conscious design decision"? Is there a solution / workaround (I know I could revert to just having one frameset - but there were good practical reasons for using multiple framesets)?<!--content-->Originally posted by Batch <br />
Have I offended someone?<br />
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Well, it certainly doesn't seem possible, since you've only posted 3 posts before this.<!--content-->No offense has been taken. I read your question when it was first posted and really don't know what the answer could be. I didn't find any information about this particular subject at all.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->I am not offended.....but your design does sound confusing. Can you post a url? Also, you mentioned that you had good, practical reasons for using so many framesets....can you explain that a little? Also, is keeping your full history file necissary? What problems does this cause you?<br />