have a question

Hi <br />
I am not sure if I am in the right place or not but I need some help or some sort of direction.<br />
<br />
I'm looking for a code that I can put up on my website.<br />
I want to have a information box which I have. ANd In that I want to have daily affirmations in it. Is there a code to have like a weeks worth of affirmations.... have it change to the next days affirmation like every 24 hours? And then like at the beginning of each week I would just go in and add that following weeks or twoo weeks. If possible a months worth.<br />
<br />
Sorry if this is confusing I am not good at this html java stuff.<br />
<br />
Anyways thanks for your help.<br />
Melissa<!--content-->its javascript<br />
and also use dircriptive headlines/subjects, pll dont know what u want and they wont click-lol<br />
<br />
but its ok if ur new, just try not to do it again<br />
and now i'll try not to sound like a moderator-lol<br />
<br />
i got a javascript code just for you, it was MADE for you lol<br />
i got this off javascriptsource.com<br />
that site is AMAZING<br />
its a cut&paste, but i use it to learn stuff and i learned it by myself so that proves it as agood site<br />
<br />
the base code i minipulated was at:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://javascript.internet.com/messages/daily-tip.html">http://javascript.internet.com/messages/daily-tip.html</a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
so if u need to change it and dont have a clue what im yapping about, cuz i write with lots of weird variables and strings and stuff<br />
<br />
well heres the minipulated code:<br />
put this in the head<br />
<br />
<br />
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><br />
<!-- CREDIT to: Original: Mike W. (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->) --><br />
<!-- Web Site: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dvol.com/~users/mikew">http://www.dvol.com/~users/mikew</a><!-- m --> --><br />
<!-- Minipulated by: Zach --><br />
<br />
<!-- This script and many more are available free online at --><br />
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://javascript.internet.com">http://javascript.internet.com</a><!-- m --> --><br />
<br />
<!-- Begin<br />
var msg = new Array();<br />
Stamp = new Date();<br />
today = Stamp.getDate();<br />
msg[1] = "Tip 1";<br />
msg[2] = "Tip 2";<br />
msg[3] = "Tip 3";<br />
msg[4] = "Tip 4";<br />
msg[5] = "Tip 5";<br />
msg[6] = "Tip 6";<br />
msg[7] = "Tip 7";<br />
msg[8] = "Tip 8";<br />
msg[9] = "Tip 9";<br />
msg[10] = "Tip 10";<br />
msg[11] = "Tip 11";<br />
msg[12] = "Tip 12";<br />
msg[13] = "Tip 13";<br />
msg[14] = "Tip 14";<br />
msg[15] = "Tip 15";<br />
msg[16] = "Tip 16";<br />
msg[17] = "Tip 17";<br />
msg[18] = "Tip 18";<br />
msg[19] = "Tip 19";<br />
msg[20] = "Tip 20";<br />
msg[21] = "Tip 21";<br />
msg[22] = "Tip 22";<br />
msg[23] = "Tip 23";<br />
msg[24] = "Tip 24";<br />
msg[25] = "Tip 25";<br />
msg[26] = "Tip 26";<br />
msg[27] = "Tip 27";<br />
msg[28] = "Tip 28";<br />
msg[29] = "Tip 29";<br />
msg[30] = "Tip 30";<br />
msg[31] = "Tip 31";<br />
<br />
function writething() { <br />
document.write(msg[today]);<br />
}<br />
// End --><br />
</script><br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
and this in your body:<br />
<br />
<b>Daily Thingermajigger:</b><br />
<br />
<script><br />
writething();<br />
</script><!--content-->OThank you and sorry for posting inthe wrong section I wasn't sure which of the two I should of gone to. As I haven't a clue about scripts adn all thanks.:)<!--content-->its ok<br />