I don't know much about PHP / MY SQL but we started our own website & hired someone to do us a Member's Log In area with an admin page that we control all our members access to the site from. We have 3 different sections MLB NCAA or NFL that someone could possibly have access to. Now we want to add another field, NHL.
When I go into the functions page and add all the information for NHL as previously entered for the previously 3 areas, it appears as though it should work. But when I go into my signup php file & add another box for them to check for nhl and if someone checks the NHL box, it's not checked on my admin page & they are automatically an active person and should be inactive since if they are active and they check one of the other boxes that do work ie MLB NCAA OR NFL then they automatically have access to those pages as well.
I'm not sure if this is making sense to any of you or not, but if someone could help me out, it would be greatly appreciated.
silverstrikesports.comwell that is really a loaded question. being that it is server side language (php) we have no idea what to say.
but, make sure in the admin it is looking for that new NHL name. other than that I don't know what to say
When I go into the functions page and add all the information for NHL as previously entered for the previously 3 areas, it appears as though it should work. But when I go into my signup php file & add another box for them to check for nhl and if someone checks the NHL box, it's not checked on my admin page & they are automatically an active person and should be inactive since if they are active and they check one of the other boxes that do work ie MLB NCAA OR NFL then they automatically have access to those pages as well.
I'm not sure if this is making sense to any of you or not, but if someone could help me out, it would be greatly appreciated.
silverstrikesports.comwell that is really a loaded question. being that it is server side language (php) we have no idea what to say.
but, make sure in the admin it is looking for that new NHL name. other than that I don't know what to say