Has Anyone Ever Seen This?


Since I startd developing <a href="http://www.saint52.com" target="_blank">Saint52</a> I have always wanted one particular script, but with hours and hours spent searching and limited PHP knowledge my search was fruitless and I gave up.<br />I'm posting here in case anyone has ever heard of a script I can do this with.<br />What I wanted was a script that gave a user a link on my poetry pages that when clicked added the poem with a link to a page accessible from the homepage.<br />Kinda like a site based favourites lists personal to each user.<br />I have seen this on other sites but cannot find any open source version anywhere.<br />I didn't want to use Javascript as I have tried to avoid using it on the site for essential features.<br />i found something close written in JS but alas it was poor to say the least, it relied on cookies and entries kept mysteriously vanashing after a few session.<br />Would it have to use a database or could it be done by generating text files?<br />I must of typed in every combination of words relevant to this in google and whith no luck.<br />I see it in use on some estate agent sites and certain big portals use similar technology.<br />Can anyone help or is this another avenue I've exhausted.<br /> <img src="http://www.totalchoicehosting.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blink:" border="0" alt="blink.gif" /><!--content-->
Hi,<br /><br />Still a bit groping around in the dark on exactley what you want.<br /><br />Its the bit which goes "when clicked added the poem with a link to a page accessible from the homepage"<br /><br />Could you explain this cos I am having a dumb moment!<br /><br />Even better, give a url to a page which does the same thing?<br /><br />Jim<!--content-->
Sorry it was a bit garbled,<br /><br />I want a link on each poem page that says "Add to your personal favourites"<br /><br />But instead of adding it to the browser favourites it adds it to a personilsed page unique for that user.<br /><br />So when user returns to my site they can quickly go to a poem they added to their list.<br /><br />eg. User clicks "Add to your personal favourites" on poem page 1, 7 and 62 and when they visit their personal favourites page it has only links to;<br /><br />poem 1<br />poem 7<br />poem 62<br /><br />Peferably with delete from favourites option aswell.<br /><br />This might help;<br /><br /><a href="http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone18/index.htm" target="_blank">http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone18/index.htm</a><br /><br />in the upper right corner is a little yellow pin that when a user is logged in allows them to add the particular page to their personal favourites.<br /><br /> Thumbs Up<!--content-->
Hi,<br /><br />Ah I get you, it was what I was thinking, just a little twist.<br /><br />I have to admit to never seeing this unless its in a javascript version. Have you seen a php version?<br /><br />Jim<!--content-->
Digirunt, somehow, your site will need to know when the user comes back. This will require either cookies or some sort of login procedure. If there is another way, I don't know it.<br /><br />Before going any further, I think you need to decide if you're okay with using cookies or login.<!--content-->
Hi,<br /><br />Jack, are you sure? If its inputted directory into favourites say in IE, long as the web page does not change, and the links will always point to the same place.<br /><br />Jim<!--content-->
Am I sure... no. Just strong conviction... but you bring up an excellent idea.<br /><br />Before getting into that... look at what digirunt said <br /><!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->in the upper right corner is a little yellow pin that when a user is logged in allows them to add the particular page to their personal favourites.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />So log in appears to be the way this other site does it. No doubt a database run site with preferences tied to the user id.<br /><br />But you make an excellent suggestion. You could create a script that tells the site which preferences to load up based on the url.<br /><br />www.digiruntsite.com/favs/1234.htm<br /><br />And have 1234 be the variable that tells the site where to look in the database.<br /><br />Have the script auto create favorite into IE.<br /><br />Biggest drawback would be that the user would have to enter via that favorite or that url to load up the preferences.<br /><br />The only other way that I know would be database(login and user management scripts) or cookies.<!--content-->
I don't know of any pre-fab scripts like this, but here is how this type of thing is done:<br /><br />a) You create a database table that lists all of your poems.<br />b) You create a database table that lists all of your visitors.<br />c) You check for a cookie from every visitor. This cookie is just a unique number you assign to each visitor that matches their record in the databse.<br />----1- If they have the cookie, you use that cookie to associate this user with a record in the visitors table.<br />----2- If they have no cookie, you set one and add a new record to the visitor database.<br />d) You create a database table to match up poems to visitors, and every time a user selects a poem to be added to their favorites you add a record to this table to associate the poem with the visitor.<br />e) Each time a known visitor (one with a cookie already set) hits the page, you query the match table (the one mentioned in "d" above), joining in the poem info from the poems table. The results of this query get shown on the page, and you have a list of their favorites.<br />f) You probably need a link in the "favorites" list to allow people to remove entries from the list if it gets too long.<br /><br />An enhancement would be to use a registration system instead of or together with the cookies so that people could use the site from more than one machine (e.g., both home and work) and still keep "their favorites." <br /><br />An alternative to cookies is to generate a dynamic parameter at the end of the URL. If they bookmark the URL with the parameter as part of it then you will have the parameter available to associate with their record. Not as good as cookies, but works for people with cookies disabled.<!--content-->