for instance the SERP for my site varies every couple of hours. now is on the top , after 2 hours on page 7 and so the google alghorithm a bit flaky at the minute?Yes, I have noticed the same thing. There are still changes going on with Google at this time.I am not seeing fluctuations as large as you...My site will move up or down 1 or 2 places. But overall they seem to be holding pretty steady.Are your links changing also?rtchar wrote:I also thinking the same.More then a SERP it is an issue between all G Datacenters. All datacenters are showing different results, some of them are showing 2 months old BLs, some of them are showing 1 month old BLs and some of them are showing the last updated BLs. I am sure they are making some experiments about the BL update benefits by the different search results effects on the click ratios.. anyways i do not think this unsyncronised situation is stable but it is better to take reference the results on the datcenters which are showing the last updated BLs.I have a highly feeling about the ToolBar PR update is coming after this unstable situation of G Datacenters.