Hard time changing txtcolor and bgcolor

:newbie:<br />
I recently changed the layout of my college's website and am now having problems fixing the colors on the displayChamplain Videogame Club (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://romnation.net/champlainvideogameclub">http://romnation.net/champlainvideogameclub</a><!-- m -->). I thought it might of been a problem in the cascade style sheet document but my freind and Ididn't find anything. Then again it could be something else. I left here the coding of the style sheet if ever anyone wants to look at it. The end result I wanted was for the background (white to be grey / blue to be orange)and the writting (white headers to be grey)<br />
<br />
=========================================<br />
a:link, a:active, a:visited {<br />
color: #F19C0F;<br />
font-size: 11; <br />
text-decoration: none;<br />
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}<br />
<br />
a:hover {<br />
color: #ffffff;<br />
font-size: 11;<br />
text-decoration: none;<br />
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}<br />
<br />
td {<br />
color: #ffffff;<br />
font-size: 11;<br />
font-weight: normal;<br />
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;} <br />
<br />
form { <br />
margin-bottom: 0; <br />
margin-top: 0; <br />
width: 140px; <br />
height: 20px; <br />
background-color: transparent;<br />
font-size: 11px; <br />
color: #F19C0F; <br />
font-weight: normal;<br />
font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica;}<br />
<br />
.input {<br />
width: 140px; <br />
height: 20px; <br />
background-color: transparent;<br />
border-width : 0px;<br />
font-size: 10px; <br />
color: #F19C0F; <br />
font-weight: normal;<br />
font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica;}<br />
<br />
.input_butt {<br />
width: 60px;<br />
height: 20px;<br />
border: 1px;<br />
border-color: #ffffff;<br />
background-color: #F19C0F;<br />
font-size: 11px;<br />
color: #000000;<br />
font-weight: normal;<br />
font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica;}<br />
<br />
.title{<br />
color: #F19C0F;<br />
font-size: 13;<br />
font-weight: bold;<br />
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}<br />
<br />
.sub_title{<br />
color: #F19C0F;<br />
font-size: 11;<br />
font-weight: bold;<br />
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}<br />
<br />
.box_title{<br />
color: #000000;<br />
font-size: 11;<br />
font-weight: bold;<br />
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}<br />
<br />
BODY {<br />
scrollbar-arrow-color: #F19C0F;<br />
scrollbar-track-color: #000000;<br />
scrollbar-face-color: #000000;<br />
scrollbar-shadow-color: #F19C0F;<br />
scrollbar-highlight-color: #F19C0F;<br />
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #000000;<br />
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #000000;<br />
background-color: #000000;<br />
font-size: 11;<br />
font-weight: normal;<br />
color: #575757;<br />
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}<br />
=========================================<br />
<br />
Hope this helps:confused:<!--content-->Hello,<br />
<br />
What exactly are you referring to? I can't see any "Champlain Videogame Club" text..<!--content-->Hey!<br />
<br />
My mistake, I meant of the site itself not of the words "Champlain Videogame Club" themselves. I cant seem to be able to change the color of the text or the background of the posted news. so basically the text is the same color as the background for the content(white) and the title text is white while the background is blue.<!--content-->Hi there dc_128,<br />
<br />
The main cause of your troubles was within the <tr bgcolor="some color ">. :D <br />
To save messing about I have attached an amended copy for you.<br />
You will also need to make a minor adjustment to your style code thus...<br />
td <br />
{<br />
color: #4b4b4b;<br />
font-size: 11;<br />
font-weight: normal;<br />
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;<br />
}I hope I have got your color scheme correct :cool:<br />
<br />
coothead<!--content-->You also need the move the BODY styles to be first in the list due to the inheritance rules.<!--content-->man it worked like a charm! thanks a lot guy :). Now if I could only find how to change the blue backgroun title bar of each post to orange...:P<!--content-->Hi there dc_128<br />
<br />
Did you not view the attachment in my previous post ? :rolleyes: <br />
You will notice that the blue background title bar of each post IS orange :D <br />
Just replace your html copy with this one voila job done :eek:<br />
<br />
coothead<!--content-->I saw it but the thing is that the page wasnt createed by me so I dont really know where is the code for that table itself. if you wanna take a peek here it is :rocker:<!--content-->tha tifle you posted doesn't contain the row color you are looking for. you want templates/next_previous.htm as that holds the color.<br />
<br />
search for this<br />
<br />
<tr bgcolor="#016FAE"><br />
<br />
and change it accordingly.<!--content-->Thanks guys! I got everything to work and in the process learned a bit more:)<!--content-->*cough*<br />
<br />
font-size: 11;<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
In CSS you must have units with all of your numbers, so one of either px, pt, em, %, or # is always required.<!--content-->thanks a lot for the units, I didnt know(I saw it worked so I never thought about putting in size ^_^). neways the site is up and functionnal now :)<!--content-->