Handling one-to-many relationship with ZF partialLoop


New Member
Lets say i'm listing musical artists, each artist has basic information like Name, Age etc. stored in an artist table. They also have entries in an Albums table (album name/album cover etc), referencing the artist table using the artist id as a foreign key. I have the Model_Artist (Artist.php) file:\[code\]class Model_Artist extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract{ protected $_name = 'artist'; protected $_dependentTables = array('Model_ArtistAlbums'); public function fetchArtistss() { $select = $this->select(); return $this->fetchAll($select); }}\[/code\]and to the Model_ArtistAlbums (ArtistAlbums.php) file\[code\]class Model_ArtistAlbums extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract{ protected $_name = 'albums'; protected $_referenceMap = array( 'Artists' => array( 'columns' => 'alb_art_id', 'refTableClass' => 'Model_Artist', 'refColumns' => 'art_id' ) ); // etc}\[/code\]in my controller:\[code\]public function indexAction(){ /* THIS WORKS $art = new Model_Artist(); $artRowset = $art->find(1); $art1 = $artRowset->current(); $artalbums = $art1->findDependentRowset('Model_ArtistAlbums'); foreach($artalbums as $album){ echo $album->alb_title."<br>"; } */ $arts = new Model_Artist(); $this->view->artists = $arts->fetchArtists();}\[/code\]in the view file:\[code\]$this->partial()->setObjectKey('artist');echo $this->partialLoop('admin/list-artists.phtml', $this->artists);\[/code\]but with this code in artists/list-artists.phtml:\[code\]foreach($this->artist->findDependentRowset('albums') as $album):// other stuffendforeach;\[/code\]i get this error:\[quote\] Fatal error: Call to a member function findDependentRowset() on a non-object\[/quote\]A \[code\]var_dump\[/code\] of \[code\]$this->artist\[/code\] = \[code\]NULL\[/code\].